Institute on Statelessness and Inclusion Podcasts
ISI Podcasts help to unpack different dimensions to the issue of statelessness, and to explore challenges and opportunities in working to ensure the right to a nationality around the world.Article 15 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that everyone has the right to a nationality and that no one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his nationality nor denied the right to change his nationality. Yet, there are more than 15 million people across the globe who face a life without a nationality; every ten minutes, another child is born stateless; and citizenship is increasingly wielded as a tool of exclusion. Without nationality, stateless people are vulnerable to discrimination and unequal treatment. They are denied access to education, healthcare, housing, employment, social welfare and documentation, as well as the right to own property, travel, be safe, free and equal, participate politically and have their voices heard. The Institute on Statelessness and Inclusion (ISI) is the first and the only human rights NGO dedicated to working on statelessness at the global level. Our mission is to promote inclusive societies by realising and protecting the right to a nationality. See www.institutesi.org for more details.
Institute on Statelessness and Inclusion Podcasts
What's Best for Children's Nationality Podcast #4 - Lessons from South Africa... Strategic litigation
This episode of the What’s Best for Children’s Nationality Podcast considers stories of childhood statelessness in South Africa. An interview with Liesl Muller from Lawyers for Human Rights puts strategic litigation and international advocacy at the centre of ensuring safeguards in the nationality law in order to prevent such childhood statelessness. These good practices are also reflected upon by European Roma Rights Centre’s Adam Weiss in the context of antigypsyism in the processes around nationality acquisition.
The Institute on Statelessness and Inclusion has partnered with UNICEF to produce this six-part podcast series, ‘What’s Best for Children’s Nationality’. The series aims to build knowledge around childhood statelessness and the right of every child to a nationality by exploring good practices in the field with examples, challenges and successes from real-life settings. You can share your questions and reflections on the issues raised using the hashtags #NationalityForChildren and/or #ForInclusiveSocieties and find us through our twitter handle @institute_si. You can also send an email to info@institutesi.org.
This episode was created in partnership with Lawyers for Human Rights (LHR), an independent human rights organisation that supports human rights activism and public interest litigation in South Africa. With thanks to Liesl Muller from LHR and to Adam Weiss from the European Roma Rights Centre (ERRC). Our special thanks also goes to Love for her additions to this podcast.
Narrator and partner in production is Andy Clark from Podcast4u. Music comes from Blue Dot Sessions and Podington Bear under Creative Commons Non-Commercial Attribution License.